How to help your teen succeed in school

succeed in school


succeed in schoolThe role of parents in the academic success of children is undeniably crucial.

By staying informed and providing our teenagers with the necessary support and listening, and although they are often at this time of their life in search of independence, we can help them shine in their studies.

Here are 7 ways to help our teens succeed in middle school and high school:

Attend parents’ meetings and webinars organized for the operation of the establishment where they are educated:

Getting involved in the school life of our children obviously requires an investment of time. Attending organized events and rubbing shoulders with other parents and teachers at educational assemblies helps to stay informed about what is expected of students. This then allows us to discuss it more easily with our children and to be up to date on all the developments in the program and the operation of the establishment attended.

Regularly visit the website of our children’s school and read the newsletters

Staying connected with our children’s school also involves sharing digital information. School newsletters and websites are often full of essential information about upcoming events, possible changes to school programs, activities, etc.

Provide our teenagers with a conducive work environment

Offering a quiet and dedicated place to work, fixed daily schedules for homework and revision, without distractions (no tablets, no phones, TV or noise), allows children to better concentrate and complete the work required on time. . Make sure to check regularly that he/she is progressing well, that he/she is not having difficulty with particular exercises etc. Do not hesitate to call on qualified tutors if you lack the time and knowledge.

Send your teenagers to school in optimal condition

The emotional, health and social environment of the child has a direct impact on his ability to learn and succeed in school. So make sure that your teenager, evolves in an environment as healthy as possible, goes to bed at regular and suitable times every night, without screens (it has been scientifically proven that blue light from screens greatly affects the quality of sleep), that he/she gets at least 8 hours of sleep daily, that his diet is balanced and that he takes a nutritious breakfast in the morning. Regular practice of a sport is also essential to clear the mind.

Establish organization in each of the tasks to be carried

Whether it is for household chores or school work, it is important to teach your child to organize himself, and this from an early age. Tidying up your own room every morning, following a precise preparation schedule, making to-do-lists for homework and revisions, writing what needs to be done in a diary…all this within set times (using the method pomodoro for example) greatly help to see more clearly and finish, or even go beyond, what is requested by teachers.

Open the dialogue with your teenager

Although it is sometimes difficult to get your teenager to talk about what is happening at school, whether with teachers or classmates, it is important to find a way to communicate on these subjects regularly, to possibly detect problems, anxieties or just little hassles, and then accompany your child in the best possible way. If the teenager feels that his parent is present and interested in his success (without pressure), he/she will be more likely to give the best of himself and confide in the problems encountered to find, together, the best way forward.

Offer school help to your teenager

Helping your children get organized and work by being present, even at the middle/high school level, will have a considerable impact on their motivation, and their grades. If time and knowledge permit, arrange to provide your teenagers with daily tutoring. Otherwise, don’t hesitate to call on school support centres, with qualified teachers, to provide your teenagers with the help they need to excel in their studies;

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